Established: 1993
Location: Chiltern Road, Rutherglen. 1km from Rutherglen township.
Winemaker: Howard Anderson.
Phone: (02) 6032 8111
Fax: (02) 6032 9028
Important Varietals: Methode Champenoise Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Tokay, Muscat.
Personal Comments:
Howard Anderson has been in the industry for much longer than the lifetme of his present winery - some thirty years or so. A lot of that time was spent working for Seppelt's where he must have acquired his taste for the Methode Champenoise side of life; enough to import French equipment specifically for the purpose of producing the sparkling wine styles, and enough to become as dedicated as is required to produce the style in any sort of quality. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for sparkling reds done well. They used to be called Sparkling Burgundy back when I was a lad (and even up until recently when the French decided they didn't like us Aussies using the word "Burgundy" in our wine titles). But I don't like it too sweet. It's a fine balance to be able to produce a sparkling red with enough sweetness to last the distance and to mature but not so much as to set your teeth on edge. It's been achieved here with the Sparkling Shiraz which has enough qualities to make it an absolute winner.
Somehow Anderson has also been able to acquire some decent aged wine stocks for his Tokay and Muscat wines. Don't know how, I didn't ask him. I was too busy trying them. Bought a few as well.
If you decide to visit the winery don't be put off by the winery's appearance. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a century-old building for their tasting room. I'd rather the effort was spent on the stuff I can take home. And the effort has been well-spent here.
This page, and all contents, are copyright © 1995-2001 by Perry Middlemiss, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Last modified: May 2, 2001.