Sabbath Eve by Kathleen Dalziel

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We both walked slowly o'er the yellow grass  
   That spread long leagues beneath late afternoon.
We saw the coloured sunset pale and pass,
   The tilted curving of a crescent moon
Swing in the after glow when clouds were curled.
   Far off the church bells chimed, serene and slow,
And Sabbath peace and calm were o'er the world
   That evening, long ago.

Now, when the grasses turn from green to gold
   And shadows lengthen on the sunset plain,
One walks the path that two had trod of old,
   One dreams the old dreams over once again.
But ah! the world has grown so grey, so grey,
   And haunting memory seems to hurt me so,
The echoes of the hour you went away
   That evening, long ago.

First published in The Brisbane Courier, 14 December 1929

Author reference site: Austlit

See also.

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