It's junket-time in Fairyland. Who's coming to the feast?
Here's Puck with all his pixie band and fifty gnomes at least
Tugging a million flower-cups of dainty morning dew.
Where every little fairy sups I'm going. Oh, aren't you?
A petal for an aeroplane -- be quick, now, Lazy Ned!
The moonlight falls like silver rain, the peach blooms out of bed.
It's Springtime on the old brown earth, and that's the time to climb
To Fairyland by Light of Mirth in jolly junket-time.
Tie up the 'plane with moonbeams three to any waiting star.
Now, here we go. Ho! merrily, in Mab's own blossom-car.
My lips can taste the dainty fare. Fast, fast the minutes spin.
Tip-tippety-toe upon the stair, for this is Goblin Inn.
The feast is ready -- bring your plates of plum and apple bloom.
There's merry Mab and all her mates dancing about the room.
The witches wait upon us here, and every child may change
For sixty smiles a single tear, and not one soul is strange.
Oh, ho! What music, music blows! Oh, ho! What minstrels play!
Each blade of grass that greenly grows is here a pipe all gay;
And piping, piping, piping up the floor and back again,
As lightly as the fairies sup, Titania leads her train.
Oh, brightly, lightly, off they go, with a trip, trip, trip, trip, trip!
Who'll dance with me once heel and toe before we pause to sip
Of syrup sweet and honeys fine and cakes of elfin spice,
Served up with honeysuckle wine and bread as white as rice?
First published in The Sydney Mail, 9 December 1925