A Suburban House by Mabel Forrest

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A little back from the street it stands,
   With trim parterres and shutters green, 
And tall sunflowers in a row;
   Such is the setting, prim, serene, 
To the life he hated so!

The doors are closed, the house is still;
   With a peace that tells not of shame, 
The silence of deeds well done;
   The brass plate with the dead man's name 
Still winks in the morning sun.

Who would dream those walls hold grief untold,
   And a horror of bated breath! 
Secure in snug suburban pride,
   No outward hint of a shameful death 
Marks the house of the suicide.

First published in The Australian Town and Country Journal, 28 December 1904

Author reference sites: AustlitAustralian Dictionary of Biography

See also.

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