There came a gentle tapping at the door.
I rose, and in the darkness threw it wide,
The silver rain swept in across the floor --
But no one stood outside!
There only was a sodden leaf upon there step ...
But something cried!
I stood, and felt a berth upon my face,
And called aloud in fear, "Oh, who is there?"
No answer came from the dark garden-place,
Yet I was still aware
Of someone waiting where there elm-boughs gleamed and bloomed,
Twisted and bare!
What was it came last night from out the rain?
Some wondering soul, some tortured spirit-gnome,
Adrift upon the dark, in grief and pain,
Destined to roam and roam,
Until it found some friendly roo? I like to think
It was MY home!
First published in The Australian Woman's Mirror, 6 March 1928