The Perfumed Pup by C.J. Dennis

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"The Daily Sketch says that the latest from Paris are pet-dog perfumes.  Already there are a dozen different kinds, made up in tiny phials.  The cost works out at 7/6 a drop."

I have a dog -- a real he-hound
   And when I read him this sad stuff,
He rolled a large, brown eye around
   And savagely commented "Whuff!"

I gathered, from his curling lip,
   How with it he would wipe the mat
If once he had within his grip
   A supper-sissy pup like that.

And, if I sought with purpose grim
   To scent him so, he'd turn and bite
The hand that fed and scented him,
   And, on the whole -- 'twould serve me right.

First published in The Sun-News Pictorial, 29 September 1927

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on September 29, 2013 6:30 AM.

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