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First published in The Bulletin, 10 July 1897

First published in The Bulletin, 12 June 1924

First published in The Bulletin, 22 June 1922

First published in The Bulletin, 4 June 1898

First published in The Bulletin, 30 July 1908

First published in The Bulletin, 19 March 1914

First published in The Bulletin, 17 February 1921

First published in The Bulletin, 17 February 1921

First published in The Bulletin, 11 April 1891
[Note: the current forecourt of the State Library of Victoria shows statues - from the left as you face the entrance - St George, Redmond Barry and Joan of Arc.]

First published in The Bulletin, 26 June 1897

First published in The Bulletin, 29 July 1926

First published in The Bulletin, 9 April 1925

First published in The Bulletin, 28 February 1918

First published in The Bulletin, 2 May 1903

Original illustration first published in The Bulletin, 17 December 1903

First published in The Bulletin, 17 March 1904

First published in The Bulletin, 23 March 1905
Note: A hundred years on I suspect the subject might have more relevance if it referred to vampires or wizards.
The Hardy Novel
When Fate starts operating in Mr. Hardy's country he operates not so much with despatch as with efficiency.
First published in The Herald, 22 May 1926
The Novel of the Super-Detective
First published in The Herald, 15 May 1926
The Novel of the Soulful Woman.
First published in The Herald, 8 May 1926
The Novel of the Great Open Spaces.
First published in The Herald, 01 May 1926
The Recipe for the Russian Novel.
First published in The Herald, 24 April 1926
How to Write an Australian Novel.
First published in The Herald, 17 April 1926
Will Dyson saves you the trouble of reading through the ever increasing library of the novels of the strong silent man.
First published in The Herald, 10 April 1926