2012 Age Book of the Year Shortlists

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The shortlists for the 2012 Age Book of the Year Awards have been released.


Forecast: Turbulenc
e by Janette Turner Hospital
What The Family Needed by Steven Amsterdam
Foal's Bread by Gillian Mears
The Meaning Of Grace by Deborah Forster
Spirit House by Mark Dapin


1835: The Founding Of Melbourne & The Conquest Of Australia by James Boyce
Double Entry by Jane Gleeson-White
Kinglake-350 by Adrian Hyland
Hiroshima Nagasaki by Paul Ham
Fishing The River Of Time by Tony Taylor


Late Night Shopping by Ryhll McMaster
First Light by Kate Fagan
Surface To Air by Jaya Savige
The Welfare Of My Enemy by Anthony Lawrence
The Brokenness Sonnets I-III And Other Poems by Mal McKimmkie

The winners will be announced during the Melbourne Writers Festival.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on August 6, 2012 1:58 PM.

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