Poem: Books by Suzanne Halling

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It's very queer.
One moment I am here,
Then I open my book
And disappear --
Though you look and look
I am nowhere near.
Would you like to know
Where I go?
I've opened the treasure chest of Time,
Flinging wide his jewels sublime.
For I seize the endless wealth of the ages,
Spilled for delight on the magic pages.
I'm stepping the winding paths of chance,   
That lead to the City of Lost Romance.   
I'm breathing Adventure's mountain air,   
Climbing lone heights with courage rare.   
Swift visions fade, brave voices call,
Down from the stars bright thoughts softly fall.
Sorrows that choke, joys that make all things right,
Laughter and tears -- what! Now say "Good-night."
So soon?
Why the moon
Is still low
When its light's shed
Down on my bed,
I shall look
Once again
At my book.

First published
in The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 March 1931

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on February 11, 2012 8:23 AM.

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