Sara Douglass (1957-2011)

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sara_douglass.jpg    Sara Warneke (better known by her pen-name Sara Douglass) has died at the age of 54.

Born in Penola in South Australia she attended school in Adelaide and became a Registered Nurse before studying early modern English History at the University of Adelaide. She later became a lecturer in medieval history at la Trobe University in Bendigo, Victoria.

She wrote a number of novels without success before trying her hand at fantasy and being signed to HarperCollins Voyager in 1995, a fantasy publishing list that has flourished over the years, most probably as a direct result of the huge success that Douglass achieved. Over the years she published 20 novels and received a number of awards in the Australian fantasy field.

She died in Hobart on September 26 of ovarian cancer.

Obituary by Lucy Sussex in The Age.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on October 10, 2011 9:42 PM.

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