New Australian Poetry Website

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The Australian Poetry Library is a collaboration of the Copyright Agency Limited, the University of Sydney and the Australian Research Council, a statutory authority within the Australian Government's Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (IISR) portfolio.

The website aims to make a wide sweep of Australian poetry readily available to a mass audience.  It covers the full range of historical poetry from Barron Field in the 1810s to Judith Bishop, Michael Brennan and Kate Lilley from the 2000s. Along the way the usual suspects (Lawson, Paterson, Dennis, Dyson, Slessor, Hope, Wright, Murray etc) are covered in detail.  Poems are indexed by title, poet, decade, gender, form, and theme which strikes me as being pretty comprehensive.  I've started linking to the site on my poetry blog Rhymes Rudely Strung.

There are a number of notable omissions, the most obvious being Mary Gilmore, but I would guess this has far more to do with the current copyright holder withholding permission than a deliberate oversight.

If you have any interest in Australian poetry at all then I suggest you pay this website a very long and comprehensive visit.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on June 6, 2011 3:20 PM.

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