Forecourt of State Library of Victoria showing promotion for "Independent Type: Books and Writing in Victoria" exhibition
This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on June 5, 2009 8:45 AM.
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*sigh* Love that place...
It's a brilliant exhibition, too. Marcus Clarke's HAT is in there, complete with raffish silken scarf, and Henry Handel Richardson's typewriter...Treasure.
I've dropped in there a couple of times, which is easy for me as I work right next door. I just need to write it up.
When I was a teenager I just about lived at the SLV at weekends, (reading everything they had about Beethoven), and my first husband proposed to me under a tree to the right of that forecourt!
But I'm not just sentimental about the SLV. I'm a Foundation member, which is a great way of supporting the library and meeting like-minded people at various functions. See http://anzlitlovers.wordpress.com/2009/05/31/philanthropy-for-the-anz-litlover/