Paul Morgan, author of Turner's Paintbox, The Pelagius Book and The Art of Richard Hughes, introduces his Literary Space - or where he does his main writing - on the "LiteraryMinded" weblog.
Enigma: A Magical Mystery by Graeme Base has been nominated for an Edgar Award in the Best Juvenile category. These "are presented every year by the Mystery Writers of America. They honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film and theatre published or produced in the past year." [Thanks to Wikipedia for that.]
"The Telegraph" newspaper from the UK lists 100 novels everyone should read. The list includes Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey as the only Australian entry. Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee is also listed, but let's not get into that argument again.
Sometimes taking a punt works out well for a publisher. Michael Heywood, of Text Publishing, negotiated publishing rights to Barak Obama's two books, Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope, two years ago. Who's smiling now?