Catherine Bateson is a writer - "mainly poetry, children's book and young adult fiction" - and her weblog is called ten percent inspiration.
1. How would you describe your weblog to someone who wasn't at all sure what this blogging business is about?
An online journal inviting comments and personality revealing writing from innocent bystanders.
2. Have there been any major changes in your weblog's direction, theme or subject since you started?
I'm trying to keep a more focussed blog which offers readers weekly writing exercises.
3. Do you have more books in your house than you can possibly read? If so, why?
Yes. Fear of seige. It's some kind of inherited reflex. At one stage my mother owned twenty pairs of white Bonds full briefs still in their packets. Of course, you can't even make pasta sauce from the contents of our pantries, but you can sit out the seige in clean knickers reading a good book.
4. If there were three things you'd like to include in your weblog if you had more time/money, what would they be?
Competitions, reviews and good stuff for charities. Actually, just keeping it up to date would be fantastic!
5. How would you eat an elephant?
Slowly, with lots of sauce.