The winners of the 2008 Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature have been announced.
$15,000 Award for Children's Literature
Don't Call Me Ishmael (Michael Gerard Bauer, Omnibus)
$15,000 Award for Fiction
The Ballad of Desmond Kale (Roger McDonald, Vintage)
$10,000 Award for Innovation
Someone Else: Fictional Essays (John Hughes, Giramondo)
$15,000 Award for Nonfiction
Sunrise West (Jacob G Rosenberg, Brandl & Schlesinger)
$15,000 John Bray Poetry Award
Urban Myths: 210 Poems (John Tranter, UQP)
$10,000 Jill Blewett Playwright's Award for the Creative
Merger - art, life and the other thing (Duncan Graham)
$10,000 Award for an Unpublished Manuscript by a SA Emerging Writer
The Second Fouling Mark (Stephen Orr)
In addition, John Tranter won the South Australian Premier's Award for his poetry collection, Urban Myths: 210 Poems.
[Update: I've added the winners of the last two categories above.]