They're From Where?

Just a couple of items that amused me lately.

"You have a funny kind of contempt for Bruce Chatwin, the Australian author of The Songlines." Jed Lipinski interviewing Geoff Dyer, on "The Brooklyn Rail". Lipinski makes this statement, but Dyer doesn't correct him.

"There are a few annoying glitches in Cook's biography, such as his overreliance on exclamation points, his several spellings of Heinrich Bluecher's surname, and his identification of the Australian novelist Shirley Hazzard as an Austrian novelist." Floyd Skloot reviewing Alfred Kazin: A Biography by Richard M. Cook, for "The Philadelphia Inquirer".

Somewhere, in the deep, dark recesses of my wardrobe lies a t-shirt I picked up in Salzburg some twenty years ago, with the caption "Austria doesn't have any kangaroos" printed on the front. Maybe I should sent it to Mr Cook.

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on February 14, 2008 11:05 AM.

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