Trudi Canavan, author of "The Black Magician" and "Age of the Five" trilogies of fantasy novels, is interviewed on the OrbitBooks website.
I'm not sure how old this interview is, but it states that Canavan's latest novel, Voice of the Gods, was only published a week previously, and that novel's publication date in the UK was July 5th 2007. Let's say it was fairly recent, within the past month.
Right now I know what I'll be working on for the next four years. It's strange, but reassuring. The biggest change in my writing has been the introduction of deadlines. Because the Black Magician Trilogy was my first "book" I had no contract, and writing wasn't my only income earner, so I could take as long as I wanted to rewrite and improve it. Having a deadline gives you less time to fiddle and tweak. Yet I've also noticed that I write slower now but my first drafts need less rewriting and polishing. Experience has taught me better plotting and how to avoid common structural mistakes. Not that I don't still make mistakes or don't still polish obsessively.