Sean Williams provides us with
details of his upcoming publication, a collection of his early stories, Light Bodies Falling. You can purchase signed pre-release copies from the publisher. Sean has the details.
Lazy Cow, for that is what she calls herself, only read 11 books during February (!). She details the problems she has stopping herself spending money on these books on her weblog "Only Books All the Time". Three suggestions: 1) stop beating yourself up over the number of books you've read - one a week puts you into the top 5% of Australian readers anyway; 2) stop counting the amount you spend on books - it only gets you despressed and you need to think of books as soul-food; 3) consider finding a good library - it turns out cheaper that way.
Eddie Campbell takes an unusual approach to judging a book by using another book's cover. In this instance he suggests that Will Dyson's cover for the book Fact'ry 'Ands, by his brother Edward Dyson, might just be a better illustration for C.J. Dennis's The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke. He has a point.