Victoria, on the Eve's Alexandria weblog, has reviewed Kate Grenville's The Secret River. "At its heart this is what The Secret River is: a deeply evocative and sympathic narrative of colonial confrontation - about a meeting of two cultures, with two divergent ways of understanding ownership and belonging, in a very hard and unforgiving landscape."
Justine Larbalestier provides a useful introduction about how to talk to an author.
The contents of the upcoming book, Australian Dark Fantasy and Horror 2006, are provided by Chris Lawson over on Talking Squid.
Sydney crime writer, Daniel Hatadi, looks like taking up the NaNoWriMo challenge - that's the National Novel Writing Month - during November. He has to complete a 175-page (50,000 word) novel in 30 days. This challenge has become pretty popular over the past few years, and while it may not produce any masterpieces it does force writers to overcome the major writing hurdle they will face - getting the bum on the seat day after day. It would be good to see him blog about his progress but him may well be worn out after writing his requisite 1,666.67 words a day.