Strange Requests

As I maintain a number of web pages devoted to Australian authors and poets over on my main website, from time to time I get a emails asking for information. These are usually ones I cannot answer. If they relate to CJ Dennis I have a good chance of being able to help, and maybe Edward Dyson as well, but struggle when it comes to request of a more specific nature.

Such a request arrived recently from Debbie Mosser, who asks: "Several years ago I read 2 different fiction books that took place in Australia. Could you help me remember the titles? "Two men living alone for years on a deserted shore are joined by a woman determined to make her home there. "


"Survivors of an airline crash move into a cavern in the outback and decide to stay even after a rescue. Any help would be appreciated." I wrote back to say that I had no idea what the novels were but I'm thinking that maybe someone out there can help. Any suggestions?

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This page contains a single entry by Perry Middlemiss published on May 9, 2005 9:15 PM.

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