Seeing George by Cassandra Austin
Michael Winkler profiles Cassandra Austin as she ponders the publication of her debut novel Seeing George two months ago(!!). [Some currency with these profiles would be nice.]
The novel details a love triangle between a married couple and a dragon, and as soon as I read that description I started looking for the old "magic realism" label. To Winkler's credit he doesn't use the term but the novel is bound to be tagged that way somewhere or other. Austin seems have led a rather varied life after growing up in country Victoria and then taking a masters degree in criminology. So the book promises something a bit out of the ordinary. Parts of it reminded me a little of Tea with the Black Dragon by R.A. MacAvoy, which was a wonderful little book from the early 1980s. That book was considered an out and out fantasy. And didn't suffer a jot.