2007 Man Booker Prize Longlist

The longlist for the 2007 Man Booker Prize was as follows.

Author Title Publisher
Nicola Barker Darkmans 4th Estate
Edward Docx Self Help Picador
Anne Enright The Gathering Jonathan Cape
Moshin Hamid The Reluctant Fundamentalist Hamish Hamilton
Peter Ho Davies The Welsh Girl Sceptre
Lloyd Jones Mister Pip John Murray
Nikita Lalwani Gifted Viking
Ian McEwan On Chesil Beach Jonathan Cape
Catherine O'Flynn What Was Lost Tindal Street
Michael Redhill Consolation William Heinemann
Indra Sinha Animal's People Simon & Schuster
Tan Twan Eng Gift of Rain Myrmidon
A.N. Wilson Winnie & Wolf Hutchinson