Lessing, Doris
"Briefing for a Descent into Hell" - 1971
"The Sirian Experiments - 1981
"The Good Terrorist" - 1985
Lively, Penelope
"The Road to Lichfield" - 1977
"According to Mark" - 1984
"Moon Tiger" - 1987
Lodge, David
"Small World" - 1984
"Nice Work" - 1988
McCabe, Patrick
"The Butcher Boy" - 1992
"Breakfast on Pluto" - 1998
McEwan, Ian
"The Comfort of Strangers" - 1981
"Black Dogs" - 1992
"Amsterdam" - 1998
"Atonement" - 2001
"On Chesil Beach" - 2007
McGahern, John
"Amongst Women" - 1990
Mckay, Shena
"The Orchard on Fire" - 1996
MacLaverty, Bernard
"Grace Notes" - 1997
Malouf, David
"Remembering Babylon" - 1993
Martel, Yann
"Life of Pi" - 2002
Mason, Anita
"The Illusionist" - 1983
Matar, Hisham
"In the Country of Men" - 2006
Mavor, Elizabeth
"The Green Equinox" - 1973
Middleton, Stanley
"Holiday" - 1974
Miller, Andrew
"Oxygen" - 2001
Mills, Magnus
"The Restraint of Beasts" - 1998
Mistry, Rohinton
"Such a Long Journey" - 1991
"A Fine Balance" - 1996
"Family Matters" - 2002
Mitchell, David
"number9dream" - 2001
Mo, Timothy
"Sour Sweet" - 1982
"An Insular Possession" - 1986
"The Redundancy of Courage" - 1991
Moore, Brian
"The Doctor's Wife" - 1976
"The Colour of Blood" - 1987
"Lies of Silence" - 1990
Morrall, Clare
"Astonishing Splashes of Colour" - 2003
Morris, Jan
"Last Letters from Hav" - 1985
Mosley, Nicholas
"Impossible Object" - 1969
Munro, Alice
"The Beggar Maid" - 1980
Murdoch, Iris
"The Nice and the Good" - 1969
"Bruno's Dream" - 1970
"The Black Prince" - 1973
"The Sea, The Sea" - 1978
"The Good Apprentice" - 1985
"The Book and the Brotherhood" - 1987