CORN MEDICINE by Harry ("Breaker") Morant

"A well-bred horse! but he won't get fat,
   Though I've done the best 1 can;
He keeps as poor as a blessed rat!"
    Said the sorrowful stable-man.

"I've bled and I've blistered him-and to-day I bought him a monster ball; But, blow the horse! let me do what 1 may, He won't get fat at all.
"I've given him medicines galore, And linseed oil and bran, And yet the brute looks awfully poor," Said the woebegone stable-man.
One glance the intelligent stranger threw At the ribs of the hollow weed, Then asked, with an innocent air, "Did you Forget to give him a feed?"

First published in The Bulletin, 10 September 1898.

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