Index of Titles - [W - Z]


This page contains an index to the titles of the poems and prose pieces of CJ Dennis that I have been able to find. Links are only included where the titles have been transcribed. As you might expect this number is rather small at the moment but it will increase over the time ahead. Where possible I will include details of first or major publication. Details of which Dennis publications have been transcribed into the listing are available.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

W |
WaitingThe Bulletin 1911
WalhallaHerald 1934
WangarattaHerald 1934
Wangled by the WaysideHerald 1935
WarThe Moods of Ginger Mick
'Ware Snakes: Summer Defences Need an OverhaulHerald 1933[prose]
A War MarchThe Bulletin 1915
"Warmbats": The Gardener's FoeHerald 1933[prose]
A Warning to LadiesThe Bulletin 1910
The Warrior KingHerald 1934
WarrnamboolHerald 1933
War's End Armistice Day 1935Herald 1935
War SongThe Bulletin 1909
Washing DayDoreen
Watching and Waiting For the Fire Fiend: Anxious Times For Forest DwellersHerald 1934[prose]
The Wattle BirdHerald 1933 | SG
The Way OutHerald 1931
Wealth and WhalesHerald 1930[rhyming prose]
The Weary PhilosopherThe Bulletin 1912
Weather WisdomHerald 1935[prose]
Week-endsHerald 1931
A Week of Dress ReformHerald 1933[prose]
We Mean to SayHerald 1933
WestDigger Smith
"Wet"Herald 1934
Wha' ForSun 1927[prose]
WhalesSun 1927
What the Possum Said Random Verse
What Will Men ThinkHerald 1935
What's In a Name?Herald 1935[prose]
When So DispogedHerald 1935 | Random Verse
White AntsThe Bulletin 1910
The White CockatooHerald 1933 | SG
The White FeatherThe Bulletin 1915
The Wicket Cricket CriticHerald 1933
Wings of ChanceHerald 1933
Winter RhapsodyHerald 1934
Wisdom after VictoryHerald 1934
Who is He, Anyhow?Herald 1931
Whose Blame?Herald 1931
Why?Herald 1922
Why a Picnic, Jane?Herald 1933
WinterSun 1927
The WobbleThe Bulletin 1910
The WobblersThe Bulletin 1910
The Woes of BillThe Bulletin 1913
A Woman's WayRose of Spadgers
The Wonders of the One Pound NoteHerald 1922
"The Wonga Pigeon"Herald 1933 | SG
The WooerJim of the Hills
WoolloomoolooA Book for Kids
WordsHerald 1933Random Verse
Work or ReflectionBulletin 1912 | BBL
Wrong AddressHerald 1935[prose]


Yarra FlatsBulletin 1912 | BBO
Yarra GlenHerald 1934
YarrawongaHerald 1934
The Year Round in Timber-LandMelba's Gift Book of Australian Art and Literature, 1915[prose]
The Yellow Stone Random Verse
"The Yellow-Tailed Thornbill"Herald 1933 | SG
You and IA Book for Kids
Youth RevisitedHerald 1934
Yule FeverHerald 1935 | Random Verse

Zeal MisplacedHerald 1935[prose]

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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