Index of Titles - [H]


This page contains an index to the titles of the poems and prose pieces of CJ Dennis that I have been able to find. Links are only included where the titles have been transcribed. As you might expect this number is rather small at the moment but it will increase over the time ahead. Where possible I will include details of first or major publication. Details of which Dennis publications have been transcribed into the listing are available.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

The Hacking SongHerald 1935
Haggling in FilthHerald 1913[prose]
Hakim KhanHerald 1934
Half a ManDigger Smith
The HandicapHerald 1935
Happy HeathenHerald 1931
Harlem on the YarraHerald 1933[prose]
HatsHerald 1933 | Random Verse
A Haven MarredSun 1927
Haw!The Bulletin 1913
HealesvilleHerald 1934
The Heart of the DoveThe Bulletin 1915
Heat WaveHerald 1933 | SG
Heat Wave HighlightsHerald 1935[prose]
Heigh, Ho!Herald 1931
Her Majesty the RoseHerald 1935
The Heritage of EaseHerald 1931
The Hidden CityHerald 1934
His Bread and ArtThe Bulletin 1910
His Past CareerThe Bulletin 1910
Hist!A Book for Kids
A History RepeatedHerald 1935[prose]
HitchedThe Songs of a Sentimental Bloke
The Hitching of the Sentimental BlokeThe Bulletin 1915 | SB
Hitting It Up With HitlerHerald 1934
The Hoary PrecedentThe Bulletin 1912
Hoch der Hausfrau!Herald 1933
The Holy ConstitutionThe Bulletin 1908
A Holy WarRose of Spadgers
Hoodlums' Holiday Random Verse
HopeHerald 1931
Hopper SwattingHerald 1935[prose]
How to Hold a Husband Random Verse
The HulkThe Bulletin 1913
The Humble Heroes Random Verse
The Humbug's HolidayHerald 1934[prose]
Hundreds and ThousandsThe Bulletin 1909
The Hundredth YearHerald 1934
The HymnThe Bulletin 1909
The Hymn of FutilityThe Bulletin 1914 | BBL
A Hymn of HeatHerald 1935

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-06