Index of Prose Titles - [P - S]


This page contains an index to the titles of the prose pieces of CJ Dennis that I have been able to find. Links are only included where the titles have been transcribed. As you might expect this number is rather small at the moment but it will increase over the time ahead. Where possible I will include details of first or major publication. Details of which Dennis publications have been transcribed into the listing are available.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Pace After MeatHerald 1934[non-fiction]
A Pageant of EmpireNorman Lindsay's Book: No. I 1912[short story]
Percy Finds His FeetHerald 1934[fiction]
PublicityHerald 1922[joke]
The Punctured PastoralHerald 1933[prose verse]

The Quiet HourSinging Garden[non-fiction]

Radioptimism: Wiring a Wireless SetSun 1927[non-fiction]
RecuperationSinging Garden[non-fiction]
Retaliatory TrespassHerald 1933[non-fiction]
Review of "Around the Boree Log"The Bulletin 1921[book review]
Road and RailHerald 1930[rhyming prose]
A Round with KiplingHerald 1934 | RV[non-fiction]

The Shame of AgeHerald 1934[non-fiction]
Shorts for Courts: A Scandal of Fifty Years HenceHerald 1933[non-fiction]
Should Birds Work For Sustenance?Herald 1933[non-fiction]
The SlackerHerald 1930[rhyming prose]
A Sneer at the StratosphereHerald 1933[non-fiction]
Some Thoughts on ThriftHerald 1934[non-fiction]
Sops for Cup CasualtiesHerald 1933[non-fiction]
The Splendid Gift: A Christmas Study in ProportionHerald 1933[fiction]
A Street IncidentGadfly 1906[fiction]

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-06