![]() A small boy witness at Cheltenham Court yesterady, when asked why he did not contradict a woman witness knowing her wrong, replied: "Because you can't argue with a woman." Laddie, if you stick to that, your chance of happy life Is certainly augmented. Even if you take a wife, Your precept, young philosopher, will stand you in good stead, If you uniformly practice what you have recently said. For all of us have fallen; there are none of us exempt, 'Twas a married man named Adam made the earliest attempt, When he vainly tried to argue re an apple or a quince, And his idiot descendants have been falling ever since. For to argue with a woman is to ride straight for a fall, But the fact that we well know it doesn't hinder us at all. So, good luck, young philosopher, and more luck by and by, We elders know the game's no good, and yet, poor fools! we try.
"Den" |
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