There is the bush, and there is the beach, but also, "A chair apiece wiv velvet on the seat; The situation which inspired these, among other lines, in "The Sentimental Bloke," is to be re-enacted at the King's Theatre this evening when the Bloke and Doreen, portrayed by Cecil Scott and Ray Fisher, will attend the premiere of "As Husbands Go." With other members of the audience they will be filmed from the stage for the final "shot" in the Efftee Films all-talkie version of "The Bloke." C.J. Dennis tells me that this particular phase of his popular ballad was suggested to him away back in 1913, by seeing a couple obviously out of their element seated in the stalls at a performance of "Romeo and Juliet." They were holding hands and appeared quite carried away by Shakespeare's immortal story, in which they, perhaps, saw something of their own romance. Always on the qui vive for material, Dennis chatted with the man during the interval, and as a result was inspired to write this incident in the love story of the Bloke and Doreen, which he was then competing in its verse-story form. Herald, 26 December 1931, p6 |
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