![]() "Today there is a brighter outlook for the man on the land than there has been for years." - News Item. It's up an' down, as me father said, An' his as went before him -- Good days could never turn his head Nor the worst of seasons floor him. (Said old george Jones). I've heard him say Full many a time an' often, "The man who knows no evil day Ain't toughened so he can out-stay Good times, in which men soften." See-saw. 'Tis the older law That's ruled the world since Adam. If men ain't sipped the bitter cup, How can the good days cheer 'em up? They never know they had 'em. So, by-an'-large, I'm sorter glad I've had a chance to share 'em -- These long, lean years we've lately had. Now good years come we've got the bad With which we can compare 'em. I've heard men say the land is done Because the hard times fool 'em. Poor simple loons, they ain't begun To know the laws wot rule 'em. "Men ain't learned yet to live on air," I've hard my ole dad chuckle. "Stick to the land. All wealth lies where Earth bids all men to seek it, e'er When life gets near the knuckle." See-saw. 'Tis the olden law; An' laws help them as learned 'em. An' us ole stagers wot held fast To earth, now clear days down at last, Why, praise the Lord, we've earned 'em. Hard earned (said old George Jones) most ways High prized. New loads is lighter, Us, who held fast can well spare praise, Aye, even for then strengthenin' days That makes these good days brighter.
"Den" |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2004-07 |