![]() More than one public speaker, in more than one country, has remarked recently that all the world had gone mad on the question of world economy. I dance upon the wash-house roof, And fill my hair with straws, And from my fellows keep aloof. I'll tell you why. because The glare in every eye I see, I hear their talk inane; For, sure as two and two are three, All, all are mad as mad can be, And I alone am sane. Jones says, if we grow too much bread The people may not eat; And Smith declares in nervous dread, More boots mean more bare feet. Black says the price of gold must jump Ere men was rich again. White says the price of gold must slump; For all the world is off its chump, And I alone am sane. I laugh and stand upon my head Upon the wash-house roof. If such an act men did not dread, I'm sure and certain proof They'd see me right side up. Why not? The thing's as plain as plain. But they look grave and gabble rot, For all the world is off its dot, And I alone am sane. I am the great economist; I stick straws in my locks; For I've the truth that all have missed In this world's paradox. If all mankind would but agree (Here lies our only hope) That two and two must equal three, They'd all grow sane again, like me; And I'd stop chewing soap.
"Den" |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2003-06 |