Works in the Herald 1933

Delicensed in 1921, the old White Horse Hotel, with its familiar carved sign, from 1853 the first changing place for Cobb & Co. coaches on the Lilydale run, is now to be torn down to make way for brick houses.

In olden days the Old White Horse
   Stood brave against the sky;
And ne'er a teamster shaped his course
   To pass the good inn by.
Far shone its lights o' winter nights
   To beckon weary men;
By the long road where calm life flowed
   It loomed a landmark then.
And many a good right yarn was spun
   Mid pewter-pots agleam;
And mnay a friendship here begun
   Grew riper as the team
Drew down the road its precious load
   Of merchandise or mail,
And faced the ills of long, steep hills
   To far-off Lilydale.
The tap-room rang to many a song,
   While patient teams stood there;
And talk and laughter loud and long
   Held nothing of despair;
For spoke they then, those bearded men,
   Of fortunes shining near --
Spoke with a grand faith in their land,
   A faith that laughed at fear.
Gone are the days and gone the ways
   Of easy, calm content;
Yet few supposed an epoch closed
   The day the old inn went.
Now, past brick homes trim and cold,
   The swift cars, speeding by,
Shall see no beacon as of old,
Shall see no brave White Horse stand bold
   Against a hopeful sky. 

Herald, 13 July 1933, p6

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2005