Works in the Herald 1933

The Chief Commissioner of Police (General Blamey) declares that Parliament has imposed obligations upon the police to enforce unpopular measures so that goodwill between police and public is gradually being lost.

Oh, for that kindly copper
   I knew long years ago,
A stalwart man and proper,
   Crime's unrelenting foe.
He was for me a shield, a friend
Who sole concern was to defend
   Such just rights as I know.
My bedtime thoughts went with him
   What time his forthright feet,
In slow and measured rhythm,
   Patrolled his midnight beat;
And, knowing he was on my side,
I blessed him, snugly satisfied,
   Our concord was complete.
And now,  tho' we've neglected
   No duty, sought no change,
This friend I once respected
   Half hostile grows, and strange.
They've made of him a hybrid thing:
And jobs we both dislike now bring
   Him well within my range.
His stern eye holds suspicions
   I feel I don't deserve
Re rules and requisitions
   That fairly get my nerve.
And, when I motor thro' the land,
His great, prohibitive, red hand
   Restrains my merry verve.
They give him duties menial --
   Jobs that no proud cop asks;
So that he, once so genial,
   No more in favor basks.
And I am quite convinced the pop --
Ularity of any cop
   Must suffer thro' these tasks.

Herald, 9 October 1933, p6

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-04