![]() Speaking at the opening of Bush Fire Prevention Week, Mr Beckett, Minister for Forests, said that, of the outbreaks of fire which involved a loss of £250,000 last season, thirty-five per cent were caused by sportsmen, tourists or campers. Look 'ere. I'll bet a 'arf-a-crown To anythink you like to name (said Bushy Bill), If country fellers went to town, An' burnt a few big buildin's down, An' quids an' quids went up in flame (said Bushy Bill), Do you suppose, by any chance, You'd put it down to ignorance. An' let 'em go their dilly way To do the trick some other day? (Said Bushy Bill). No fear. You'd take that crim'nal lot An' likely lynch 'em on the spot. Fine sense of property you got (said Bushy Bill).
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