![]() According to a London cable, the new fashions for Spring and Summer will mean the manufacture of 60,000,000 yards more material than last year. Even an inch on women's skirts means the employment of thousands of additional workers. I know you do not think, dear -- very much Of economics. Things like that are fagging. And, if your frock has that parisian touch That sets the other cats with envy nagging About your reputation, you're content, But think, sweet, what mere inches represent. One inch -- one single inch upon a band, And smiles replace ten thousand hungry curses: For shorter skirts mean labor shortage, and, Conversely, longer frocks mean longer purses Among the simple folk who weave and spin That glad creation you go gadding in. You have so long played havoc with man's heart (Indeed, your garb has long since got past shocking). 'Twere doubly charity upon your part To hide again a meagre inch of stocking -- One inch of charity that strights begins To cover up a multitude of shins. "More heart, less leg," should be your slogan now; Man's had his fill of visual enjoyment, And longs to mark, behind your marble brow, Some earnest wish to lessen unemployment: Your knees are very pretty, dear, indeed; But show less knee and there will be less need.
"Den" |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2004-07 |