![]() In announcing its £100 beauty competition "The Herald" remarks, "New South Wales has no monopoly of Australian beauty. Victoria has its full share." Girls! You with the bobbed hair or Mary Pickford curls, Likewise you others Who still adopt the hair-dressing style, That makes the moderns smile. But was undoubtedly the dearest attribute of your mothers. And, by the by, You with the glad-eye -- We've seen you in the street Looking particularly sweet. And we ask you Do you think that those girls in the city that is reputed to possess a harbor can overtask you? In the matter of looking nice -- We do not seek to give advice; And, frankly, we don't know. We have seen both types and so, Being diplomatic, We refrain from expressing an opinion that is too emphatic. We'll leave it to the vote, Yet hasten to remark that we simply dote Upon the maiden who Is just like you, Fair reader! We seek not to assume the office or prerogative of a special pleader. And we own that this question of State Rights Gives us uneasy dreams o' nights. Take no notice of those churls Who tell you that the Sydney girls Can put it all over you in regard to female beauty. My dears, you have a duty At any rate, Toward your State. Go in And Win! Among you are undoubtedly quite a number of perfect peaches And the sirens of the Sydney beaches May yet be proved to be not exactly the pick of the basket. Girls! With or without curls, The honor of your State and the noble men therein ask it. Here I conclude. And I trust that these few well-chosen remarks have not been in bad taste or over-rude.
The Mooch of Life |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-03 |