![]() The Yarra Bank speakers desire to remove their forum to the Domain, where they hope to attract large audiences on Sundays. There ain't enough of strikes an' things, There ain't enough of strife, There ain't enough dislikes an' things In this 'ere modern life: 'Ow can we 'ope to 'ave unrest When blokes don't know that they're oppressed? On Sundees they enjoy theirselves, An' rush from trams an' trains When they could best employ theirselves Be strikin' off their chains: 'Ow can we bid their chains begone When blokes don't know they got 'em on? Give us a chance to speak with 'em, An' tell 'em 'ow they're cursed. Give us an hour a week with them So they can know the worst. 'Ow can the crowd know they are slaves Unless the agitator raves? The people's too contented, like, Too much inclined to smile; An' views should be presented like To make 'em scowl a while. Let's 'ave a day of real unrest Just once a week for the oppressed.
The Mooch of Life |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-06 |