Works in the Gadfly 1906
I gen’ly am the bestest child
‘At ever lived; ‘cos how I know
My muver’s often sat ‘n’ smiled,
When I am good, ‘n’ told me so;
But sometimes w’en I’m tired ‘n’ all,
My toys ‘n’ ‘at I can’t enjoy,
She makes me stand against the wall,
‘N’ ‘en she says, “Oo naughty boy!”
It’s easy being good sometimes;
Ist like the ’ittle boys ‘at live
In story books an’ nurs’ry rhymes,
‘N’ never mess their clothes, or give
Their muvers trouble now ‘n’ ‘en;
‘N’ never tease them or annoy.
But I’m not ’zac’ly like then w’en
My muver says, “ Oo naughty boy!”
‘N’ ‘en I stand against the wall,
‘N’ muver says, “Now don’t oo cry”;
Tho’ reely I don’t cry at all;
But ist p’etend; ‘n’ by ‘n’ bye
I peep around at her, I do,
‘N’ smile, ‘n’ ask her for a toy;
‘N’ ‘en my muver’s smiling, too,
Altho’ she says, “Oo naughty boy!”
The Gadfly, 14 February 1906, p18