Works in the Gadfly 1906
I do not want the universe;
I yearn not for the farthrest star;
No foolish longing do I nurse
To own the whole of things that are.
I do not seek -- it would be rash --
All wealth that on this earth abounds;
I only want -- in solid cash --
A modest ninety million pounds!
I don't desire to be a king,
Or e'en a dukelet, or a lord;
Nor seek to make the welkin ring.
(The welkin makes me very bored.)
O'er such affairs I make no moan;
Mere idle, empty longings these.
I want to be just left alone
To do exactly as I please.
I am no Mormam, nor a Turk;
Nor envy such, I must confess.
No strong desires within me lurk
A giddy harem to possess.
'Twould set my senses in a whirl
And my desires within a maze;
I only want one pliant girl,
With beauty, wit, and winning ways.
No glutton, I but seek to live,
And, minus indigestive kink,
Have of the best the earth can give
As much as I can eat and drink.
Then, having these, and this beside --
Immunity from all distress --
If you should ask, "Art satisfied?"
I'd probably reply, "M -- yes."
The Gadfly, 12 December 1906