html> A LAW COURT ANTHEM by C.J. Dennis (1876 - 1938)
Works in the Gadfly 1906
Sesabit, K.C. (for the prosecution) "I am a K.C."
Omnes -- "He is a K.C."
Sesabit -- "I am a K.C."
Angerson (for the defence) -- "Ha, ha, he, he."
Usher -- "Silent be, silent be!"

Sesabit -- "In opening my case, sir, the court may it please" --
Angerson -- "You could open an oyster with far greater ease."
The Bench -- "Nay, nay; don't be personal, gentlemen, please."
Omnes -- "Please, please."

Sesabit (to Angerson) -- "Oh, what a gentleman you are!"
Angerson -- "He, he, he, ha, ha, ha."
The Bench -- "Nay, this is going far too far."
Angerson -- "Your client, sir's, a perfect beauty."
The Bench -- "Tut, learned sir, you know your duty."
Sesabit -- "You've got no monopoly of beauty."
Angerson -- "I wish you'd shut" --
The Bench -- "Tut, tut, tut, tut"

Sesabit -- "You are garrulous, jabbering, mumbling, you are!"
Angerson -- "What a wonder at technical stumbling you are!"
Sesabit -- "That statement's an infamous falsehood, sir, bah!"
Angerson -- "Ha, ha!"
Sesabit -- "Bah, bah!"
Angerson -- "Your intellect's dim."
Sesabit -- "Witty Jim, witty Jim!"

The Bench -- "Now, gentlemen, I must insist;
You really must, you must desist."
Omnes -- "You must desist, you must desist."
Angerson -- "You will be hissed!"
Sesabit -- "You see my fist?"
Usher -- "Hist, hist!"
(Here follow various arias, soli and recitatives.)

Later: --
Sesabit -- "My previous statements I wish to withdraw."
Angerson -- "You're the cleverest counsel that I ever saw."
The Bench -- "Your previous statement shall duly be quashed, sir."
Angerson -- "Your statement is quashed, sir."
Omnes (admiringly) -- "Oh, ain't he a boshter."
Sesabit -- "I love you like a long-lost brother."
Angerson (beaming) -- "You are my friend; I've no such other."
Sesabit -- "Our little diff'rences we'll sink."
Angerson -- "Did I see you wink?"
Sesabit -- "Maybe, I think."
Angerson -- "Come, have a drink."
Sesabit (soaring to top note) -- "A drink! A drink!."

Bench, Counsel, Ushers, Witnesses, and Others --
"Now let the joyful bells ring out,
The learned counsel's going to shout;
Let peace and gladness fill the air,
Fat fees and clients everywhere.
As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be;
   litigation without end.  Ah-h-men.

The Gadfly, 21 March 1906, p9

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2006