[Mr. Speaker - "Order, order." . . . Mr. Crick again rose. . . . Mr. Wood - "You withdraw the
expression." . . . Mr. Crick (excitedly) - "I say it was sent by a ____ ____ of the Telegraph.
If I get him to-night I will pull his windpipe out." . . . Mr. Speaker - "Order, order."
[Mr. Watt rose to inform the Speaker that Mr. Sangster had called the member for Melbourne (Mr. Boyd)
a low cad . . . Mr. Speaker (hotly) - "Did you say it, sir, or did you not?" . . . Mr. Sangster -
"I did say it; I mean it. I withdraw it." . . . Mr. Boyd - "It is the beer talking." ("Chair!
Chair!") . . . Mr. Sangster - "Liar!" The gentle politician is An animal I love, His glorious position is So very much above Our ordinary station, and You've but to hear him speak, Just hear his conversation, and You'll be convinced he's meek. The strongest word he uses is, "Low cad." His verbal battery, Unused to foul abuses, is Inclined to flattery. His honeyed phrases weary one He speaks so low and pleasantly, Tho', p'raps, if he's a beery one, He'll call you "liar" presently. Just watch him as he walkes about, Our legislative halls, Just listen as he talks about His enemy, and calls Him names, that sound like tinkling of Sweet vesper bells at eve. (He'd damn him in the twinkling of An eye if he had leave. Oh, the gentle politician is So very meek and mild, His saintly disposition is As gentle as a child, Opponents jolt and jerk him, but His self-restraint is grand, A little child can't work him, but He'll feed out of your hand. In fact, he'll feed from any hands, he is so very tame, And hungry, tho' there's many hands, Against him for that same. I love his gentle, peaceful way, I love to hear him shout, But best I love the graceful way He pulls a windpipe out.
"D" |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002-06 |