![]() A worthy scholar, W. T. Gates, M.A., of Victoria has written a very interesting paper on "Spelling Reform," pointing out the absurdities of English orthography. We have read extracts from the paper by Mr. Gaits, and we are sure that Mr. Gaights is on the right track. In short, we quite agree with Mr. Geats, and we wish Mr. Geights success in his campane – campain – campagne – cambpaigne. We trust he will suckseighed. We have often remarked – that is to seigh, remarqued – that hour spelling is most inkonsistent. It has peigned us graightly, but, till nough, we have never had the pluk to stand up and strighk for what is undoughtedly rite. We have ofen, very ophen, we mite seigh, had sumb truble with the speling of wurdz. But we have dun our best under the surkumstanses. Nough that we no we have sumbwon at the bacque of us, seau to speek, we feal moar kumfortable, and we are prepaired to cumb to the frunt. The man whough does knot dane to taik knowtis of habits and tradishuns deserves enkoragment, and we are reddy to giv him awl he craivs. Phynally, let us obsurve, in klosing, that it iz hour ficksed opinyun that the present moad of wrighting wurdz is entireleigh rong and we will deau hour best to maik that rongue rite.
"C.J.D." |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2003 |