Works in the Critic 1904
         When Rosa plays --
Euterpe from Elysium strays,
And wafts me, ravish'd, to the land
Where Orpheus conducts the band.
Enrapt, I tread in starlit ways --
         When Rosa plays.

         When Rosa sings --
Erato wakes, and outward swings
Elysian gates; till land and sea
Are all aflood with melody.
From start to star sweet echo rings --
         When Rosa sings.

         Nay, soulless churl!
Say you, she is a "clever girl?"
She does but play, and sing the while.
In usual suburban style.
I feel these things because, rare pearl,
         She is my girl.

"C. J. D."
The Critic, 14 December 1904, p27

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002