![]() [Alec. Taylor, a Naval Reserve man, has been appointed to the post of public hangman rendered vacant by the death of Mr. Billington. He is of a humorous disposition, and made an application for the position on a previous occasion. - English newspaper.] Hark to the sound of my tuneful lay, Sing hey for the merry hangman! I looked for a billet and found it to-day, Sing hey for the merry hangman! I've tried for the job for years and years; I'm not a fellow of squeamish fears, And I damped the earth with my grateful tears When I got the job as a hangman. Hark to the song I'm singing to you, The cheerful song of the hangman, Who never was dull and never looked blue, The jolly old public hangman; For if I put in my spoke, you see, Adjusting the rope real joking-lee The criminal will murmur choking-lee: "What a jolly old chap for a hangman!" Hearken awhile to the song I sing, Hurrah for the merry hangman! Who laughs aloud as the corpses swing At the touch of the cheery hangman; For what is the use of looking sad And making the convict feel it bad? Better be merry and make him glad To be hanged by the jolly old hangman.
"Irish" |
Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002 |