Letter by Henry Lawson to CJD 1920.03.18

C/o J.A. McManus

Dear "Den",

I've been sentenced to six months in the Bush again in my old age; and am fairly hard up of course - I don't know whether your tremendous success has made a millionaire or a deadbroker of you; but if you can do it you might float me a small loan to get a few Bush things as I have only one suit of city clobber and am ashamed to go about.

Of course you will guess that I am not in the habit of writing leters like this - abt 6 in my life, and all to friends and relations - but the case is rather urgent. I'd rather go shabby in Sydney than have no change of shirt &c, or knock about clothes here. Am sending this to be forewarded by [Robetn?] as I don't know your address.

All continued good luck from
Yours truly,
Henry Lawson

P.S. I am on the water cart. HL

Lawson Collection, (Lawson 172), University of Sydney Library

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2004