Letter by CJD to Thomas C. Lothian 1907.08.23

August 23/07

Dear Mr Lothian,

Any news yet of my verse? Shortly, I shall have a little time to spare which I can devote to revision if you have decided to publish.

I congratulate, heartily, all concerned in the production of the latest number of "The Native Companion". It is the most artistic thing of its kind that has been turned out in Australia, also one of the most commendable as the effort solely of Australians. I wish it everlasting success.

Regards, Yours truly
C.J. Dennis

Lothian Papers, Box 40 - MS 6026, State Library of Victoria.

Thomas Lothian was then director of the Lothian Publishing house.
This letter would imply that Dennis had attempted to publish a collection of verse in 1907, well before his first collection, "Back Block Ballads and Other Verses" in 1913. I have found no details of what he hoped to publish at that time.
"The Native Companion" was a shortlived monthly magazine published in Melbourne from January to June, and from August to November 1907.

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002