Letter by CJD to R.H. Croll 1922.04.05

5 April 1922

Dear Bob,

Thanks for your wire today (sent yesterday). I wired you in reply and hope that you will be able to run up, even if it is only for a day and a night.

I saw Murdoch on the day after our dinner, and found his offer was not precisely what I thought it was. It was a good one, all the same, and I want the job, though I am not rushing it.

Unfortunately, this damned play at present stands in the way of my making a definite decision at once. Next week or the week after I shall be in town to see Carroll and will then know exactly how I stand. If I can get them to rehearse in Melbourne I can close with Murdoch at once; but if I have to go up to Sydney I can't do anything till August or September.

I hope Murdoch did not leave for Sydney on Wednesday because on that day I posted some verse for the "Herald" addressed to him.

I dealt with the distressed Diggers, and was pretty good and to the point tho' I sez it as shouldn't. If it has to wait till he comes home it will be stale I fear.

Kind regards from both,

CROLL Collection MS 8910, 1202/1(b) - State Library of Victoria.

The "Murdoch" referred to above is Sir Keith Murdoch, father of Rupert, who had been appointed editor of the Melbourne Herald in 1921.

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002