Letter by CJD to George Robertson 1916.05.29

May 29/16

Dear Mr Robertson,

Just the briefest note to say I do not accept your correction.

When I say "the book, the hour and the publisher" I necessarily include the illustrator in the first. You surely did not think I wanted to take all the credit for the book.

However, I am glad to have further evidence of your appreciation of Gye's work.

I have sent two more Mick pieces on to Shenstone today. Two more will finish the job, which, to my mind is beginning to look pretty good.

Kind regards,
Yours Truly,
C.J. Dennis

From The World of the Sentimental Bloke compiled by Barry Watts.

This letter follows on from Dennis's previous letter to George Robertson.
"Shenstone" was George Robertson's editorial assistant at Angus & Robertson.

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002