Letter by CJD to A.G. Stephens 1906.01.17

Jan 17/06

A.G. Stephens, Esq

Dear Sir,

Blocks received today. Many thanks for the bird(?) and amphibological [sic] par.

I forward some verse under separate cover. I have read it so often that I am now uncertain whether it is fairly decent jingle or just plain rot.

If it is no use to you I should like you to post it on to Steele Rudd. Stamp enclosed.

Good luck to "Bookfellow".

Yours truly,
C.J Dennis

C.J. Dennis Correspondence - Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

A.G. Stephens was, at the time of this letter, in charge of the Bulletin's influential Red Page. He was to leave the Bulletin later in 1906 to revive Bookfellow, a Sydney-based literary magazine.
The verse referred to in the letter is probably The Tory which was published in the Bulletin on 1 February 1906.

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002