Letter by Mary Gilmore to J.K. Moir 1952.10.27


About C. J. Dennis:-
Anyone who knew Dennis found him in his writings, and in them heard even his voice speaking.

My first knowledge of him was in the 90s, when, in Adelaide, he and someone else had a paper called (I think) "The Gadfly" to wh. I sent some verse and other matter before I went to South America. My next meeting was when "The Sentimental Bloke" was in typescript and he was selling copies for 5/- each in Sydney. This, I might add, was a strictly limited edition as money was scarce and typing cost money! the world was the richer for his being, and the poorer for his going. Yours sincerely,

"The Gadfly" was founded in 1906, so Gilmore may be confusing this with "The Critic", on whose literary staff Dennis worked in the 1890s.

Copyright © Perry Middlemiss 2002